1. In Subbu click on Channels

2. Click on Add Channel

3. Select Magento from the Channel Dropdown

4. Enter the name of your Magento Store

5. Enter your store URL in the End Point field

6. Check Install After Creating

7. Click on CREATE 

8.  set your Magento REST endpoint.

Magento Store Root (path that included /rest/v1 and /oauth

9. Go to System > Integrations.

10.  Click Add New Integration.

11. Give your new integration a name (e.g. Subbu) and add an email address.

12.  Copy and paste the Callback and Identity urls from below:

Image Placeholder

13. Click save then go back to System > Integrations.

14. Click the authorize link on the integration you have just added then follow the steps.

Your integration should now be authorized, if you refresh this page the boxes below should be filled in, if they are not please copy and paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Token from your Magento store.
Image Placeholder